Tuesday 7 July 2009

G20 follow-up post

In a previous post I quoted CEEFAX and the BBC’s online news service:

‘police must modify their behaviour in an age where their actions were easily filmed by the public.’

I doubted the reporting thinking perhaps some journalist was being careless, but finally having found the time to check the HAC report myself I see the MPs are just as venal as claimed.

House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee, Policing of the G20 Protests
Page 8:

18. This was borne out in the footage of force used against, among others Nicola Fisher and tragically, Ian Tomlinson—this footage was almost instantly uploaded onto the internet and transmitted around the world. The police’s actions in each case may or may not be justifiable but they were certainly shocking. Actions which may appear justifiable in the cold light of day can be extremely troubling when relayed instantaneously around the globe. While these images provide only one, possibly misleading viewpoint, they undeniably have power to shake the public’s confidence in the police and negatively affect their perception of the performance of the police at the G20.

19. The police must be aware that, as a matter of course, their actions will be filmed whether or not journalists are present. They must amend their attitude and tactics accordingly. The police should be aware that in the modern world actions which may be justifiable under the rules may nonetheless be completely unacceptable.

[bolded emphasis in original]

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